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Are you looking for an easy way to download your voter ID card or Nid card? With the advancement of technology, it has become much easier to access important documents online. In this post, we will try to explain the process of viewing and downloading your Voter ID Card or NID Card, as well as some other helpful tips and tricks to make the process easier. Let’s get started!
Ways to View Voter ID Card and Save and Download on Mobile:
First go to Bangladesh Election Commission nidbd website Click on register. Then a form will appear. In place of National Identity Number / Form Number, if you have National Identity Number, put National Identity Number. If you do not have a National Identity Number, you must enter the number on your voter form.
Enter your date of birth to save Voter ID Card
Then enter your date of birth. First put the day – month – year.
Then a captcha will appear, of different numbers or letters, enter it correctly.
Click on Next.
And another form will appear.
Enter your address to complete registration to view voter ID card
Here you have to put your current and permanent address. In the current address field you will give the address of the school where you are. For example, if you live in Dhaka, then Dhaka is where you are. Department, District and Upazila. Address where you were born in Permanent Address field. For example: If your place of birth is Dinajpur district then you have to select the division district and upazila. Then click on next.
Complete your phone verification to collect Nid card on mobile:
Then it will show some numbers of your mobile number and see if it matches your number. If there is a match, click send message. If there is no match, click on change mobile and enter your correct number. Then click Send Message.
A 6 digit message will be sent to your phone.
Enter the verification code on your mobile and a form will appear. Enter the code that goes to your mobile there. Then click on Apply.
Download Nid wallet apps to view and collect voter ID card
Nid wallet apps must be installed. Go to the play store of your mobile and search by writing nid wallet, then click on install. will be installed.
Open the apps. Click on Langauge and click on agree and continue
Please scan qr code from to see
Here you need to scan the QR Code. Or copy from website. Qr code should be pasted by clicking on the code in the apps.
Do Nid wallet face verification
Then the option of start face scan will come. Click on Turn on.
Then your camera will open. And your face will be taken right left and center in front of the camera for a while tick mark will actually be done.
You will see your voter IU card or nid card on your mobile browser. And you will see many more options, below all you will find a download option.
Click on Download National Identity Card, your voter ID card will be downloaded on your mobile in pdf format. Then you can go to any computer shop and print your voter ID card.